TZ SOLE Orient meets Tyrol

As a native of Tyrol, raised in Kitzbühel, I love the mountains, nature and tranquility. But already as a child it was my dream to see the big wide world, to travel to faraway places and to get to know foreign cultures. So at the age of 19 I packed my bags and lived in Namibia for half a year. I immediately fell in love with the endless expanses of this country, the warm people with their infectious laughter and the simplicity of this culture. Africa, the cradle of mankind, this continent never let go of me, but it was to take many more years until I discovered Morocco for myself.

Back in Austria I was looking for my true vocation. I worked in the fashion industry, gastronomy and also in the social sector. All professions had one thing in common: contact with people. But social work in particular showed me very clearly that life is not endless and that you should make your dreams come true.

A matter of the heart

Through stories and travel reports about Morocco, I booked a flight to Marrakech.

Even today I remember my arrival: a taxi took me from the airport to the large gates of the medina. It was November and it was raining. The streets were flooded and full of mud. Soaked, I dragged myself through the winding streets of the old town with no orientation at all. A little boy who was playing with his ball knew immediately: I am lost in the Medina. He asked me the name of my accommodation and took me there. He knocked on the heavy wooden door of the riad and it opened to me, the entrance to a hidden oasis.

I entered the courtyard of the riad, a fountain filled with rose petals splashed in the middle, banana palms towered up the high walls and swayed in the wind, a turtle crossed my path. It smelled like 1001 nights and everywhere candles burned in beautiful lanterns.

On the roof terrace I was served mint tea and patisserie. The rain stopped, the clouds moved away and the last rays of the day gave me my first unforgettable sunset over the rooftops of Marrakech with the muezzin calling me to prayer. Et Voila, my dream was born to bring the beauty of the Orient to the people of Europe.